Sunday, April 19, 2009

my hips don't lie

It is finally 7am. I have been waiting for it all night... a time that seems appropriate to "wake up." I would much rather be sleeping. My pillow isn't preventing my 38week pregnant body from being oh so sore. I will explain to you the pain I feel while trying to sleep through the night:

1. hips and butt feel bruised. Right, like as if I took a bad tumble or was hip checked into a wall. It feels like this deep ache that even hurts to touch.
2. burning aching throbbing down the leg. Why is it we have sciatic nerves? All I ever hear about is how much bother they can be when they are acting up. I mean what do they help us feel when they are not causing pain?
3. there is an alien trying to push it's way out of me. Hello my baby, hello my darlin, hello my ragtime giiiiirrrrl!
4. a non supported belly. For this one I can not describe the pain. It isn't a pain as much as just a jarring uncomfortableness. When I turn over in bed I need to immediately jam something under my over hanging belly.
5. boulder on my bladder. The levy is about to break. When the wind blows and the boulder moves I have to squeeze everything I have to hold in the dam. What a weird analogy...seriously I am demented.

OK OK enough whining. I wanted this. I am so close to achieving one of my goals in life. I am going to be a mom, and a good mom at that. I am not as miserable as I sound. I love being pregnant. I will miss him when he is no longer poking and prodding me from the inside. I will miss people telling me how cute I am because all the cuteness will have been sucked out of me by him. I will miss my glow! So with all the aches and pains he is almost here and it will all be so worth it!