Monday, June 1, 2009

one handed blogging

Well it is official, I'm a mother. I have wanted this as long as I can remember. Has it been challenging? Sure, but that was expected and I like a good challenge most of the time. Here I am trying not to forget doing certain things for me which is why it is important to update this blog even if one handed. Has it been frustrating? Absolutely. It is frustration of the utmost extent. Why can't babies tell us what they need, where it hurts and how to fix it? Why can't he just know when a boob is stuffed in his mouth it means to suck? Has it been heartbreaking? You bet, I now know how my mother felt when I was upset or in pain and there was nothing she could do. When he cries so hard I feel helpless and broken. Is it magical and wonderful despite the above? Yes, yes and yes! When I look at him there are no words to express the amount of love in my heart or joy that I feel. When he looks me in the eyes so sincerely or makes the most adorable faces, I just melt. He is mine and I am his. For better or worse. I am excited to see what the future will bring with my little guy.

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