Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I woke up this morning thinking about the definition of life...well I guess that isn't all together true. I really woke up with an annoying Taylor Swift song in my head, man does she haunt me with her music. So to battle the pop country boy girl fall in love nonsense I focused on other things. How I arrived at thinking about life was actually because of my dream. I am not ready to disclose the dream so we will just jump to the main reason for this blog. What is life? Some would argue it is the opposite of death but without really knowing what death is how would we know what life is? Some say it is linear, some say cyclical ect.

In the shower this morning I decided that life is different to everyone and can not be defined. It is a color, sound or feeling we have no words to describe. It reminds me of how God was explained to me as a child growing up in a Protestant church. Whatever life is you can not argue that we all experience it differently based on our nature and nurture. Two people who go through the same situation can see the experience completely different... what I am getting at, I guess, is that life is everything and nothing. No matter what we are in it and we can do what we will with it, even if that means ending it. Life is unexplainable and I am going to be late for work...GAH

back to the Taylor Swift rubbish.....

1 comment:

  1. i have had some dreams about life and death and they are weird as shit. I agree with you, life is what you make it! And we'll never really know what life and death are... until we die, and then we'll know everything. (At least that's what I think)
