Tuesday, May 3, 2011

cat scratch fever

I was kind of half asleep... not sure what woke me up perhaps I could sense the impending doom that was about to land on my face. Koopa is a strange cat. He has never had a very good sense of balance and when he runs, something just looks... off. The vet never seems to be worried so I just accept the fact that physically and emotionally my cat is special. He rarely leaves my room because there are two other cats here that are very dominant and Koop likes to make love not war. Ever since my other cat died he just hasn't been the same. He is happy to snuggle and be petted, he just doesn't want to leave my room which makes giving him enough love an affection difficult. So back to my story. Koopa, in typical fashion, is getting restless for me to wake up. He is walking across my pillows to me to nuzzle my head and purr loudly in my ear. I know it is coming. What I don't anticipate is a loss of balance by my less than graceful cat and a big angry, scrambling for dear life paw in my face. Not just my face but more specifically my eye. I know have a mean red scratch starting under my eye which ends at about the middle of the bridge of my nose. He also managed to get a claw in down near my nose. Thank goodness my eye was shut. So 5am wake up call...awesome. I am glad it isn't picture day at school.

1 comment:

  1. Koopa got you pretty good. I think the scratches make you look tough.
