Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have mastered the skills of procrastination. Stems all the way back when my mother used to ask me to clean my room and I would start with alphabetizing my bookshelf. That would take me so long that by the time I was done it would be dinner or time to go somewhere and the rest of the room would have to wait until she threatened to take something away if I didn't get to the meat and potatoes of the operation.

Today, like most days, was one big procrastination. See previous post.... yeah, car did not get inspected. I used my free time to sit on my cough, watch Glee, surf youtube for music videos and chat on facebook.

I did get up and have brunch with my favorite Guak the Moley and did the dishes so I wasn't a complete slug right?

I am sitting here with knots in my stomach for a couple different reasons. 1. Finn has a fever. I hate it when he is sick and I hate it even more when it is not my night to have him. I could have taken him but that would bring us to reason number 2 for the previously mentioned knots. 2. Henry comes home tonight from the Bahamas. Why would you have knots about that you ask? Well. I kind of drunkenly sent a fb message that... well.. I am not sure how it will be received. I have not heard from him at all today which is making me nervous. Stupid? Probably. I keep reminding myself " Bethlynne he is traveling today and has not had time to shoot you a text or a message back on fb"...right? right?

So I am listening to a Beatles mix I made. It is a valentines mix. I think my head is about to explode with Beatle juice and uncertainty. SPLAT. All over both computers which are both within arms reach. They would surely be ruined. SUN SUN SUN here is comes BOOOOOM SPLAT.... silence.

Listen, do you want a secret, do you promise not to tell whoa whoa closer.... I had a cheeseburger today. It was the first one in a long time. I think it went over well.

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