Wednesday, December 22, 2010

jingle bell rock

I think I have Christmasweekitis. In fact when I have to actually DO something at work, it makes me furious! So stupid... this is my job and obviously I want to do it and do it well.... just not this week. I keep finding myself doing just about anything to avoid my real work. For example, this blog post. Not to mention a certain fellow blogger of mine has been on my tail about posting which is much appreciated.

As per usual, the holiday season is filled with stress and cheer. I need money for presents and I hope I get money as presents so I can pay my bills... cause yeah... I haven't done that yet this month and it is almost over. I keep thinking tax return.
I love Christmas, I love most every pagan thing about it and also some of the Christian stuff I was brought up on resurfaces this time of year. It is one of the only times I entertain the thought of going to Chuech. I loved midnight Mass as a kid. Standing around the Congregation lighting candles and just being filled with... love. I think that when Finn is old enough I will bring him and he too will have a chance to be filled with peace. Maybe he won't feel it and if he doesn't no harm, no foul.

I guess I need to do something. baaahhhh

1 comment:

  1. Very few people that I know get as excited for Christmas (in fact I can only think of one other), so it's really no surprise you've got Christmasweekitis. You can be more productive next week.

    And I will keep getting on your case about being prolific about your posts, blog buddy.
