Thursday, January 6, 2011


I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high...

Sometimes classic rock seeps into my soul and I feel happy! Beyond happy. I have always found music to be such a part of me...It brings out emotions that I have never felt from anything else. I get lost in it. Some people have that happen with books, TV, video games... for me, music. It can take me so far from everything. It is my escape.

Anyhoo... what up?

I am having dinner with my mom tonight and I am excited. I feel like we haven't hung out in far too long. My relationship with my mother is probably not like yours. We talk about ALMOST everything and I am never afraid to tell her anything. She tries to sheild me from things in her life but I think I see more than she thinks I do. We are very alike which makes it hard for me to get away with anything. Anything that I am thinking or doing she has thought or done and seems to see right through me so I don't even bother trying to hide. My mom is a hip lady. She is fun and energetic and overall a positive in my life. One of my favorite recent mom stories is when we went out to have a couple drinks and found ourselves at a place called Liquid Blue at like 9pm dancing like it was our biznass! We were the only ones there and it was so fun.

I guess I should work now... blah

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