Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I can hear mountains ring

Try to love one another right now.

I am trying to be more efficient at work which is getting in the way of me writing blogs. I don't know why. I guess my weekend with Michelle really helped me work some things out. I love being able to talk to her, she understands me most of the time and usually has some good advice. Blog readers, you are well aware I have been struggling at work. I have come up with some possible reasons why and I think even just exploring them has helped. I don't want to be bad at my job, I don't even want to be ok at my job. I know I have potential to be a great.... well... whatever it is I am doing at that time. So I guess it boils down too... why the hell wouldn't I want to be the best. I don't like people accusing me of being lazy.. I am not lazy, I just need breaks from my work and they can vary from a blog entry to staring at the wall. I still get my work done and done well. So there!

Wednesday usually means Trivia... tonight it means Zumba. I am excited to get back into it. It has been over a month since my last class and months before that since I did it regularly. I also ordered a WII game that should help. It is a Gold Gym dance workout game.

I just had a delicious chili at lunch. I should make some. I think when I get paid on Friday I will make a chili and freeze it.


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